Penelope in Wonderland

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is a picture of me as Hattie in my last arts academy production 'Kiss Me Kate' which is currently being performed at The Princess Theatre, Melbourne until the 3rd Dec.
I was review by the Melbourne Stage:

‘Another Op’nin’, Another Show’ had all the necessary gusto for an opening number and could have easily passed for a professional performance. As Hattie, Penelope Bruce led this number with dynamism and conviction, and I was disappointed not to see more of her glowing presence throughout the show.
Its all a bit scary!


Blogger Carlene said...

I agree completely with the reviewer!
I also thought you could have done a wonderful job of either of the other leads. And I am not at all biased but good to see that the professionals are smart enough to agree with me!

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think i literally stopped breathing when you opened with your number it was incredible! well done pennelelolelope!

1:23 PM  

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