Penelope in Wonderland

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hey guys! first picture... me and my best friend deeon at one of our many class gatherings.


Blogger yemum said...

Well if isn't the most beautiful girl in the world!!! I recon everyone would agree...

Oh And penne you look cute too

9:44 PM  
Blogger Penelope said...

hehe funny dean... nice tights

10:03 PM  
Blogger yemum said...

Just letting everyone know that was a joke...
Not that i don't think Deon is cute,
But not that i'm saying i like her more than a friend... opps
Chris is gonna kill me!!!

I LOVE Penelope Kate Bruce
there.. i said it...
and i'm gonna leave it at that

10:04 PM  
Blogger Penelope said...

well i love Prince Goofy...

10:07 PM  

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