Penelope in Wonderland

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is a picture of me as Hattie in my last arts academy production 'Kiss Me Kate' which is currently being performed at The Princess Theatre, Melbourne until the 3rd Dec.
I was review by the Melbourne Stage:

‘Another Op’nin’, Another Show’ had all the necessary gusto for an opening number and could have easily passed for a professional performance. As Hattie, Penelope Bruce led this number with dynamism and conviction, and I was disappointed not to see more of her glowing presence throughout the show.
Its all a bit scary!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Here's some photos from my party!

Pretty sarah & Myself, my fruit bowl AND my BOYS!

This is Luke and I at my classmate, James', 21st birthday

Here are some picture from my 21st birthday.. happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear penopoly happy birthday to you!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Below is my professional headshot. Kiss Me Kate is my next big production in which i play the cameo lead 'Hattie' please come and see. Go to and you can have a peek

Hi guys this is my little wonderland not much on it yet but will work on it!

Hey guys! first picture... me and my best friend deeon at one of our many class gatherings.