Penelope in Wonderland

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another day at Disneyland! Ah... what a hard life.

Tokyo City from Tokyo Tower

On friday I headed to Tokyo Tower, the tallest self supporting tower in the world, a broadcasting tower at 333m high... although we could only go to 200m... not that i was complaining... the Charlie and the Chocolate factory glass elevator was um... exciting.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dean and I have just returned from an amazing 4 day ski trip to Hakuba, Nagano (where the 1998 Winter Olmpics were held)... here are some photo's to be jealous of...

One thing i love about japan is that the people are so friendly... the kids are also soo cute. Parents consider it a compliment if a westerner takes interest in their child... so cooeing and awwing is acceptable... i've been doing alot of it. hehe


Photo's of JAPAN!

Ok here are some travel photos... dean has been working heaps so i've had lots of time to travel around Japan. The first photo is of the Imperial Palace where Japan's Emporer lives. You can't go in but you can walk around the outside through the Imperial Gardens.
Second; when i went to Asakusa, a lovely little district out of Tokyo where there are souvenirs gallore and a massive Buddhist temple called Senso-Ji. The photos is of me infront of Senso-ji. Temples are all over Japan, i find them very beautiful and serene.
Thirdly, a picture of me infront of the Giant Buddha, Diabutsu in Kamakura where i went with a friend of Dean's, Mark and his cousin. And a picture of Mark and I infront of Tsurugaoka-Hachimangu Shrine with Toffee Strawberries... YUMMY!

Now that i've figured how to use this again (everything is in japanese) i shall do a post or two for those impatient blogger people out there.
Japan is amazing... i'm dreading coming home.
I've been to Disneyland twice. Here is a photo of me with Bert, Peterpan and infront of the Penny Arcade.